I'm missing my black and white Selkirk paddle...it has my name on it.
I had it at the curling club yesterday (Tuesday) 3-4:30
If anyone saw it, please let me know. I will drop by the curling club tomorrow
Jane, there was a paddle in the buckets this morning. Pretty sure it was black and white :)
Thanks. Will check it out in the morning
Hi Jane,
I locked the bucket with the paddle in the outdoor GTPC bin. It should still be there in the morning.
Just curious about Fri 9AM recreational play. It looks like there is just a 6 spot capacity. Is that an oversight? Or is there room for more?
Hi Jane. We didn't have a lot of sign ups so I changed court capacity to one court with 6 peeps... if you think you can get more, I can expand to 2 courts, 10 capacity. Let me know.
Always trying to fill courts with eager picklers. Thanks!
Hi Mark, thats a great question. When we have been playing we take the play over again as some of the rafters are pretty low… however, I have heard some people call it out…. Who would know the correct answer?
For consistency we have been doing a replay. As liz points out the rafters are not all the same. So a repay keeps it in the spirit of having fun.
I have asked a certified referee and officially, the play is deemed out of bounds, the same as hitting any permanent structure. NO replay.
Lorilee is correct. Hitting any rafter would be a fault.
That is true for tournament play. For our purpose’s, social and open play, we have been very courteous and allowed there to be a replay. It has worked well for us for many years
If there is a strong argument to change this please email the gtpc email address and make your case. Yesterday this came up and a clear consensus was to replay.
Local rules should dictate the call. The Curling Club has an unusual structure. So, if GTPC says replay the point, then replay the point.
I would suggest that during the pre game instructions, the host should include the type of scoring to be used and any shots hitting the rafters will be a replay. Clears up any confusion.
Still space for 3.0's today at 11:00. Come out and have fun!
So sorry to have to cancel 11 am rec last minute but I have workers who have just informed me that they’re arriving at my house at 12.
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