Hi everyone, I have a question - how to add GTPC in Court Reserve? How to book the play?
Thank you
I have the same question. Can you please share the answer with me. Thanks!
Hi, I've signed up for tomorrow (Friday) ladder play at 11 but only 2 people are signed up. I'd like to switch to the 12:30 group but I'm ineligible as I'm marked as a 3.25 player. I think I can play at 3.5 game, so is there any way I can switch my rating to try? Or do both? And is there any point showing up at 11 if there are only two people registered or is it automatically cancelled? Thank you so much for any info. Carol
A pair of RayBan sunglasses left at this morning’s pickleball (Sun 10 am - noon)…left in office with note attached…
Hi. PLU is no longer active…communication is being disabled in alphabetical order by person. Should you need a message to go out, contact crgtpc(miuku)gmail(piste)com
Good am PB players…..
A number of spots open over the next few days…. Let’s get them filled!
Good to delete this app now, correct?
Yes! I'll be deactivating all over next few days.
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