
Good afternoon.
Dude to lack of participants, 8am Monday morning 3.0 Ladder play has been changed to Round Robin open to all. Let’s get the spots filled up!


Hi - I cannot play this coming Wed ( Jan 17 ) @ 3pm. So there is a spot open for the 3.5 plus game.




I have to drop out on Sunday at 10 30 - spot available.


Spot available Sunday, January 14 at 9:00. No longer able to attend.



Hello everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and looking forward to an exciting 2024!

We wanted to update you on some changes to the GTPC board of directors for the upcoming year.
From a personal point of view with my appointment as Vice-President of Pickleball Canada and the
time requirements of that position, I will be stepping down from my Position of President/Treasurer at GTPC but will remain on the board as past president. It has been an honor to work with the board over
the past two years and see the tremendous growth of our club and the overall interest of
Pickleball in our community. I look forward to continuing this work with the new board members.

Here is the board lineup for 2024:

President Richard Box

Director - Membership Michael Dufort

Director - Playerlineup Lesya Mcqueen

Treasurer Michael Olejnik

Director Liz bauer

Past President Luc Grenon

The club is in good hands under Richard's leadership. He has been a club member and board member for many years and is a passionate pickleball player and competitor. He has also been very active with the town in their development activities and will represent us well as we move forward.

We wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and look forward to more
and more Pickleball in 2024!

Yours Truly, GTPC board of directors


Thanks so much, Luc and "Team GTPC"! Great leadership! #respect
