
Have to cancel out of today’s rec play 5-7. Still 4 spots available


Sorry have had to pull out of the 8 am session tomorrow morning. Needed to rejig my schedule.


Another 5 spots added to the 3.5/3.75+ session tomorrow morning at 8am….hurry up an join!


Could I risk making a suggestion? Could the club consider leaving Saturday’s and Sunday’s for those who are not resident for right of first refusal? It’s a bit frustrating when I mostly have only two days to play to not be able to get in. Thanks for considering!


Thanks for feedback - always appreciate it and will review.


Good morning. A new session for 3.5/3.75+ has been added for tomorrow morning at 8am. There are still spots available for rec play at 8am tomorrow as well as well as other sessions throughout the week.
Go ahead and sign up - the 2 play per week guideline is lifted so that we get full utilization of our spaces.
In addition, looking for volunteers for court hosts for many spots for the rest of the month. Email gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com
Have a great day


Lots of availability starting tomorrow morning and through the week! Let’s sign up and fill those spots up!


I’ve been out of commission with a injury for the last little while and am sure I’ve dropped down from 3.5, but I’d love to get back into it, so I hope to see you soon.