Hurt my back cannot make it this morning
Sorry for short notice
Spot available tomorrow at 10 for recreational play.
I may have left behind a pair of black wind pants last friday. Don't know if that's what you call them. When I looked for them today, they are missing not in lost and found at monterra. Thanks.
I have been down with the flu for the past couple of days - had to cancel out of the 3.5+ for 3:00 tomorrow. Hope someone can jump in.
Good morning!
We have managed to secure a 2 new time slots at Monterra to off set some of the closure days. These have just been posted. In addition, there are a few spots available today and tomorrow as well as early next week.
Still looking for court hosts - we are dependant on volunteers to help keep our club going. Would be great to get some new volunteers. Please email gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com to help out.
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