
Good am GTPC players…..

You all should have received the email about the upcoming tournament Oct. 6 at Swing.

A number of spots still open… and a number of players signed up looking for partners to play with!

So sign up…. It’ll be a fun day, you’ll be playing at Swing, playing with players you know, and all for $10 (which will even get you some food and refreshments!)

So grab your spouse, (or someone else’s if it will make the game more enjoyable 😂), or a friend or sign up as an individual and we’ll find you a partner.

Look forward to hearing from you!


Can my husband play even tho he’s not a member of GTPC Michael?


I meant Friday September 27th...tomorrow. Sorry about the typo.

Danna responded in

Suzanne - Morris and I are running 10 minutes late. Cheers, Danna


Spot available Fri 10am Swing. (Oops! Double booked)


Spot open 2-4 Sunday at Swing