
Can someone sub for me on Wednesday for House league play at 11AM ? Thanks Scott


I can sub for you - if it is still open. Jim Clark


Still need hosts for Tuesday July 23-2pm and 4pm, Thursday Jul 25-2pm, Saturday Jul 27-9am, 11am and 1130am, Sunday Jul 28 11am
email me at gtpc(piste)courthost(miuku)gmail(piste)com

Christine responded out

His email address doesn’t appear to be working…(piste)gino(piste)ioni(miuku)gmail(piste)com. Am I spelli


Good morning all, would someone be able to sub for me in the house league this coming Wednesday at 11:00. U will play 3 games and then rec play afterwards.
Please email me at loweds(miuku)rogers(piste)com

Thank you, David Lowe


David…. I can fill in for you

Let me know



Blending two clubs together isn’t an easy task. Thanks for your wonderful coordination Liz, superb court hosts, and supportive spectators. Fun Tournament.