Hello all. If you are ordering a t-shirt the payment goes to: gtpbctreasurer(miuku)gmail(piste)com
People have been sending their e-transfers to the membership email. Please avoid that.
Hi everyone. We have had a great response and many orders. It's not too late. You can still order by emailing me at janechristie(miuku)rogers(piste)com.
Ladies, if you did not have a chance to see or try on the shirts, I have pictures of our beautiful members modeling the various sizes. Just email me if you would like to see the pictures
King of Court has the one spot tomorrow, see msg. Below
Just switched time slot. One spot open tomorrow June 25, 3-4.30 slot
I will host….but have not done it at The curling rink
Where are the nets?
I’ll be there to help out this morning. But will not be playing. Thank you Sue
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