Have to drop out of the 3.5/3.75 play Friday. Looks like two spots open.
I will take the role as Court host today at 3pm -
Recreational Play
Who is not doing anything ? Let’s turn on the tunes and have some FUN !!
Today at 3pm
Inside the curling club 🎉
Spot open tomorrow in the 3.5 ladder play
I can host 3.25 ladder tomorrow 4:30-6:00 ( 5 players of 10). Suggestion rec play is at 3 with5 of 25 and indoor round robin is
At 4:30 with 1 of 15. I suggest we pick time say 4 to 5:30 and combine all 3 groups and make it recreational. Let me know
Hi. I don’t want to move start times around. Suggest the following: if peeps from 3pm session want to stay for 4:30, they are welcome. You discuss with all peeps at 4:30 what they want to do and carry on! Thanks Brian.
Hi eager picklers- a few changes to schedule for tomorrow to accommodate more play. Check it out.
However - if no court host, play will be cancelled in the morning. Signup for court hosting at gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com
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