I’ll be a bit late maybe 30 min
I’ll be on time now
FYI there is an opening in Gino’s lesson at 1130 on june 19. Tomorrow. Gino suggested I switch groups tomorrow morning so I have done just that.
Please note that there are 2 open spots for an intermediate pickleball lesson at 10:15 am tomorrow.
On your recommendation I switched groups tomorrow. I unregistered for the 1130 and will be there for 1015 am
Sorry I won’t be home in time to play at 3 pm on Thursday
There was a bit of a mix up with bins and nets this am at the outdoor courts
I was just at the bins and fyi for anyone that cares there are 4 town nets in the town bin and zero gtpc nets in the gtpc bin
The town has purchased new nets for our use and other rentals. There should be 5 in town and 2 in ours. GTPC nets are back up only.
Thank you for bringing to our attention, however, please direct info to georgiantrianglepc(miuku)gmail(piste)com.
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