
Spot open at 2pm today May 7


Good morning GTPC picklers!
- Summer season is about to start on May 13. As we continue to work to provide the best programming possible, a few tweaks have been. 4 new sessions have been posted.
- Please continue to honour the 2x play per week, but we are updating the last minute sign up guideline - instead of 24 hours, if there is space available you can sign up for an additional play 48 hours in advance.
- Please make sure you are signing up to the skill level that matches your rating
- We have many vacancies for COURT HOSTS. We are entirely a volunteer club and need your help. If we do not have an assigned court host, play will be cancelled 48 hours in advance. If you can help, email gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com
Your Board of Directors


A spot open for 2 today and tomorrow. I had cancelled yesterday but it didn't show up!


A spot open on Friday May 10th…I have cancelled


Open spot for rec play on May 20th 9-11