
Sorry, but I had to drop out of Friday March 15 11-12:30 as I will still be out of town. Spot is open for 3.5+ player.


Good afternoon - extra session just added at 9:00 am tomorrow for keen 3.5 and 3.75 players (hopefully separate courts, if numbers work). This can be an extra day of play for eager picklers this week.


Hello my GTPC Family,
I would like to thank the GTPC family for all their support, prayers, donations of meals and acts of kindness that I received during the most difficult time in my life.
What an amazing group of people and club I’m so fortunate to belong to.
I would also like to share my story as to bring awareness to this incredible hospice we are so fortunate to have in our community called Campbell House Hospice.
My husband, Denis was transferred from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to Campbell House Hospice on Jan 23. We spent 39 days at Campbell House and I was pretty much by his side every minute during our stay there. From the first day I stepped inside the doors I was greeted by one of several incredible staff members and was told “we got you and we got Denis!”. I had just spent 10 sleepless night with Denis in Toronto and the staff could see I was an emotional wreck as well as burnt out. With such compassion and dignity they cared for not only Denis but myself also. Everyday I’d have staff, nurses, and volunteers ask and do whatever they could to try and make our stay feel less painful. I’ve never been hugged so much in my life and I was introduced to the “6 minute hug” by Nurse Kathy. That’s one long hug lol.
The Kitchen Angels (volunteers) would make homemade meals and desserts everyday and take requests. Whatever Denis felt like eating they’d make it. Bacon & eggs, cakes ,cookies, roast beef dinner , pasta, home made soups anything at all. The Angels loved to cook.
Then there was Dr Boyd the Pallative Care doctor. She did as she promised and made sure Denis was always comfortable and as pain free as possible. She is one amazing doctor and I can’t say enough about her.
While we were there it felt like I had this huge family helping to take care of Denis and supporting me any way they could.
Campbell House Hospice will always hold a special place in my heart and I want to thank the GTPC family for supporting Campbell House Hospice with all the generous donations.
Wendy K


Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve been a big supporter of this hospice and I encourage others to consider doing the same. It is an amazing organization. KJ


For 11 am today, we have 7 players! If one more came we could have 2 courts!


We need a sub for house league at 12:30 today. Unfortunately, Caroline broke her foot and wrist yesterday. Let me know if you can play please. Gord