Good morning
Lessons with Gino will be posted shortly for next week.
Sign up and continue to improve your game!
Sorry, I was a no show. Completely forgot since I’m looking after my grandson.
Good Afternoon GTPC Members and friends,
I have volunteered to help out our court scheduler; Lesya.
I will be taking care of the scheduling and coordination for all things 'Court Hosting'. Lesya is continuing on with the play scheduling. Thanks Lesya for your hard work!
We have a great community club. I love playing with all of you! If you have any ideas and suggestions that you think will improve how the Court Hosts duties are done please let me know.
1st order of business;
I am sure everyone is aware that all play sessions require 1 or 2 host volunteers to allow play to go ahead. Simply put, the rule is; No host, No play. We have a great core group of hosts, but we are always looking for more people to volunteer. If you want to try hosting but would like some support for the first time or two please contact me. I will find someone to help you along.
My email is; gtpc(piste)courthost(miuku)gmail(piste)com
There are a number of sessions taking place over the next 2 weeks that need a host. Please contact me if you can host a session or two or three...well you know.
Regards, Stephen
Spot opened up for tomorrow at 9am.
I was at the Curling Club Courts and the GTPC Green Box was unlocked. I tried to lock it, but I don't know the combination and couldn't lock it. Hoping that someone can do it.
I’ll come over and lock it. No problem.
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