Play is outside this morning. Staff for curling club are no where around to put on lights. All good.
Sun. 11am with the 3.75 crowd - I've had to pull out, one spot open.
3.75 Sat. 9 AM one opening: I'm out from a back issue.
Good morning!
A few programming updates for the weekend:
Saturday 9 am Rec Play - have added 10 more spots!
Saturday 11 am Play indoors and outdoors cancelled
Sunday 9 am Play has been changed to Rec Play from 3.25/3.5 RR - let’s get new sign ups!
Need Courts Hosts for each play on Sunday and many next week. If you are signed up, please consider. Lots of helpers at GTPC. Please email gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com
Good luck to our traveling tournament athletes heading to Midland this weekend! Have a great time.
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