The “In case of emergency” list has been completed and is located in the GTPC information binder located on our cart at Monterra. If you have a minute can you double check that your information is correct.
Thank you to Joyce Reynolds for compiling this important list.
GTPC members: As we all know parking at Monterra can be a challenge. If there are 2 sessions back to back it would be appreciated for those playing in the first session to leave the Monterra parking lot quickly after play has completed in order to give a few of our fellow members a close spot to park.
If you are planning on joining the GTPC winter activity day at Devil's Glen Country Club on Thursday, February 15th (downhill skiing $60) (snowshoeing/hiking $10), this is a gentle reminder to email Christielake1(miuku)gmail(piste)com before this THURSDAY. We have over 30 downhill skiers and 15 hikers already! Join in the fun! Jane and Mark.
Had to pull out of next Saturday and Sunday as MCL still repairing.
Hi everyone, just wanted to double- check - we don’t have any games until February 2, is it correct?
You are correct.
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