

HI Everyone, we have added the Wednesday 3-5 sessions for the rest of November. We will be adding Thursdays from 10-12 for 2 pickle ball courts starting November 16th. As well we have have secured an extra hour for both Fridays and Sundays for 4 pickle ball courts, so we will be running 2 90mins sessions during these times. This should add a significant amount of capacity each week ( 60 more slots). Please don't sign up for both sessions on Fridays and Sundays ! But if the second session is not full perhaps some players can stay on. We did receive feedback from several players that they are OK with 90 minute sessions so hopefully this works out.

I think we are about maxed out in terms of the times we can get at Monterra and hopefully everyone will get a chance to get some play in. If not then the next step will be to limit the play each week (which we don't want to do!) so please be mindful when you sign up each week.

Thanks and its good to see how eager everyone is to get out and play!


Darn. Missed Donna's spot by 6 minutes. Congratulations Mark. đŸ˜©


Good morning!
A few important messages for our membership (please read all below):
1) the Board is actively trying to secure more play time - some new slots have just been added for November. In the spirit of our inclusive club, we have not placed limits on number of times to play per week, but ask that the membership is respectful of others.
2) we will be monitoring NO SHOWS and LATE ARRIVALS closely due to our costs and demand for availability. To our generous court hosts, it is really important to track this, and report to gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com so the board can monitor.
3) as noted when we posted the November schedule, we wanted to get a month posted and would adjust accordingly. We need to give our full membership an opportunity to get used to the schedule before we make adjustments. We are monitoring and will advise.
4) thank you to those who are posting when you need to pull out of a time slot which enables others to jump in. This is exactly what the wall is for! Please remember that each time a message is posted, almost 300 members receive an email! If you have concerns that you would like to address with the board, please email georgiantrianglepc(miuku)gmail(piste)com
5) we are in need of court hosts for many sessions as of Nov 4 onwards. Hosting is easy and there are always lots of people to help. Please volunteer a gtpc(piste)plu(miuku)gmail(piste)com or ask for more info.
Have fun on the courts!
Luc, Lesya, Richard, Mike, Liz and Michael


Thank you LesyađŸ€—


Maybe we could let “summer players” sign up if there aren’t enough “full members” signing up for sessions at monterra? Not sure what the logistics are?


Hi Luc, will the Wednesday play from 3 to 5 be scheduled again? It appears to be dropped after the middle of November.


Ask and you shall receive! Les will post for the last two Wednesdays in November tomorrow (3-5pm). We were thinking of using that time slot for a house league but I will speak to Gordon Martin this week and perhaps we will run that in December. We are also working on getting more time slots in Monterra and we should have those tomorrow as well.