
Hello everyone, a quick update on annual memberships. We received 55 applications for the 50 slots that we were allocating. Given that the numbers are close to each other we are going to let everyone in!

So you should get a note from Mike Dufort our membership director in the next couple of days detailing the payment process to finalize the membership. As a reminder the annual membership is $325 for the period November 1 2023 to November 1 2024.

We start winter play on Friday October 27th at Monterra.

See you all on the courts!


Thanks Cindy for all your hard work.


Sorry folks, wet again. We are CANCELLED 9-11 am


Good morning.
Play for the month of indoor play will be posted shortly. We will set one schedule for the month and adjust accordingly. This play is for ANNUAL MEMBERS only.
We will require court hosts to lead the scheduled type of play, move out our great new nets on wheels and tape the courts. Thanks in advance to court hosts but also all our members who show up early and stay late to help. Please email cgreen(miuku)rogers(piste)com to volunteer once programming is posted.
Please pay attention to the type of play and details shown in the schedule.
House League (ladder play) may be introduced in a few weeks.
Welcome Annual Members to indoor play. And what a great summer season - so many fabulous new members - hope all have enjoyed!


Hi All, I want to thank the management team and all the volunteers that have worked on keeping us off our couches and for me personally out of my wife's hair, you guys kept the courts going under many trying conditions. Thank you all


Courts are flooded. We are CANCELLED today for the 9-11 am Rec play