
Oct 11/23 Pickleball is cancelled today due to rain / wet courts. Enjoy your morning coffee and stay dry.


I do want to play in the winter. Can I sign up now or do I have to wait to be accepted?


Yes I’m interested in winter play…Lou !albeuf

(removed member)

Tomorrow's 9am session is King of the court. I would like to join and would need to leave at 10:45. Is this a problem for the King of the Court match? thank you.


Not a problem at all. Fingers crossed we can play tomorrow.


Need a host for tomorrow at 9:00. Fingers crossed the courts will e dry.


Cindy…. Sue and I will do it!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Donna and I created a
WhatsApp Group so we all can stay in touch after the summer session.
GT Pickleball Peeps
We did not realize how many people would be interested and the group has grown to 39 Peeps
We haven’t been able to reach everyone. If you’re interested in joining and we’ve missed sending you the link just text me
Wendy Kristolaitis 705-465-4994
and I’ll send you the link
You need the WhatsApp


Great idea Wendy! Thanks for starting this initiative